There has been a lot of follow up recently over on The RPG Site about the article 11 Ways to Be a Better Role-Player. I am only going to commit to 10, but Ill do my best. This specifically covers what I see are best practices in being a good player of the game – so they all involve playing within a social environment as well as interacting with the specific system of the game. Continue reading 10 Ways to Be a Better Role-Playing Game Player
Category: Game Play
Strength Bonuses in Lamentations of the Flame Princess
A friend picked me up Lamentations of the Flame Princess Grindhouse Edition in December. We’ve been talking about playing an Old School Renaissance game for a while, and when James Raggi ran his Kickstarter for newly revised hardback versions of the game, a group of us went for the GM’s pack so we could each get a copy of the game. We’ve waited and waited. There appear to be signs that the newly revised versions are still being revised, which we are all happy about. Then a few copies of Grindhouse Edition showed up at Powell’s Books in Portland so we jumped on them. Continue reading Strength Bonuses in Lamentations of the Flame Princess