Why Does the One Ring have Such an Obsessive-Possessive Effect?

The One RingA questioner over on sci-fi.stackexchange asked this question on regards to the One Ring in J.R.R Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings asks “Considering the ring wants to return to its master, why do current possessors of the ring feel such a strong desire to keep it?” Continue reading Why Does the One Ring have Such an Obsessive-Possessive Effect?

AD&D 1st Edition Elves Not Exactly Tolkien

A lot of people tend to forget that AD&D Elves are not exactly the same as Tolkien’s elves.

Long Lived Elves vs Immortal Elves

AD&D 1st edition elves grow old and die. Although long lived, they go through lifecycles. Tolkien’s elves reach adult maturity and then apparently stop aging.

Youthful Stature vs Greater Build

AD&D 1st edition elves stand around 5′ tall and have a slight build. Tolkien’s elves are typically man sized; some older elves stand much taller than most men.

Tolkien’s elves are tied directly to the cosmology of Arda (the world of Middle Earth), and by design are meant to grow old within the world, until the final breaking of the world.





Lamentations of the Flame Princess & The Caverns of Thracia

I run several alternative games in the event that a critical player is missing from our regular Pathfinder game. One of the alternatives is a Lamentations of the Flame Princess game set in the Judge’s Guild Wilderlands campaign – essentially the main map area around the City State of the Invincible Overlord. Continue reading Lamentations of the Flame Princess & The Caverns of Thracia