Non-Human Cleric Limits in AD&D 1st Edition

A peculiarity of AD&D is that players can only play human, half-elf and half-orc clerics. Only humans have no limits on levels they achieve as Clerics; half elves are limited to 5th level and half-orcs are limited to 4th level. Players aren’t allowed to play elf (max 7th level), dwarf (max 8th level) and gnome (max 7th level) clerics. Players cannot play halfling clerics at all, and halfling druids can only reach up to 5th level.

Consider the spell maximums here:

8th Level Cleric

It is worth noting that 8th level (Patriarch / Matriarch) is the level in which the cleric attracts a large group of followers if they establish a place of worship. Only Dwarf NPCs can reach this level.

  • 2 4th level spells
  • 3 3rd level spells
  • 3 2nd level spells
  • 3 1st level spells

7th Level Cleric

The maximum level for Elf and Gnome NPCs.

  • 1 4th level spells
  • 2 3rd level spells
  • 3 2nd level spells
  • 3 1st level spells

6th Level Cleric

  • 2 3rd level spell
  • 3 2nd level spells
  • 3 1st level spells

5th Level Cleric

The maximum level for Half Elf player characters. NPC Halfling Druids are limited to 5th level.

  • 1 3rd level spell
  • 3 2nd level spells
  • 3 1st level spells

4th Level Cleric

The maximum level for Half Orc player characters.

  • 2 2nd level spells
  • 2 1st level spells

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